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    Tucker's Statement

         I’d like to give back to the community in some sort of direction whether it's game design or just art itself. To achieve this goal is hard but in some ways, it’s easy, for instance, I will be continuing to participate in the Game Jams, Art contest held in MediBang, and DeviantArt.  I will also continue supporting the community by buying some art or games.  These are probably the easiest ways I will still be connected to the community entirely but, I want to do more than that.


      I have plans to help students that are going to college for gaming and art animation to get these students jobs or place holding jobs while those students are going to school. I am already part of a current company Named RedRockMountainLLC which means this plan is already set in motion. I have gotten together and started a business with Addison Buettner and Bryan Block we talked about this plan a little already. We plan on pitching games to Game Production Studios and making ourselves aware there.  This will also be giving students the opportunity to make a possible career with us while helping students at the same time accomplish their needs for a good portfolio for other industries. We would also like to eventually get our business big enough to pay interns or students in need of work. This could also help students who want to work in this field get the experience of what it actually feels like to be in a company. with students having a job in their field it will keep students from having some job that they don’t want to be in just to help support themselves in life while going to school. There will ground rules to keep students from dropping out of school to keep them from just using jobs in the Company as their way into just the field because my colleagues and I know how important education is.


      The way we will encourage Students from dropping school is by demanding our Employees to have some sort of Degree that is in the field of work within the Job before being a full flesh employee. For interns and Employs who do not but are going to school for the job they are working with our Company, Those students and Inter will have to deal with our Policy that will require them to bring a report card weekly.  Any Employees or Interns that are Failing in any of their classes will automatically be given zero hours for the week up until those student interns or employees do something about their grades. Those students are also required to have a full set of classes, this may be adjusted under certain circumstances such as if the student had to drop a class for some reason such as the instructor got ill or some weird situation where the course was unable to continue, or if the student is about to graduate and has only a few classes left while being in the system. Student Employs and Interns will have benefits such as to any school-related business, the student may call out or have themselves work fewer hours for the week or more depending on the situation. These are some of the Policies I plan for the Business to have once it gets big enough.

     As for myself, all the above is what I plan to make happen, I will make games hopefully with people I’m making games with currently, I also will be keeping a full-time side job to help pay for bills and make the dream a reality. I believe that some things just require more attention than other things and the Business that I have started with my two companions will require my attention the most. I have worked a lot of side Jobs and just from my experience alone, I have learned that this attendance policy with most jobs is terrible, and one of the biggest things that will make this business unique when compared to other businesses, is our sort of laid back attendance policy.

  I’ve just seen so many good employees go because they were having real-life problems where those employees needed to call in and got fired for calling in too many times. This may or may not backfire but, I’m hoping that we can make it so our Employees notify a member of management they can’t come in or have a reason why they missed shift will be able to continue working without so much worry of losing their job. I agree life happens, I also agree when employ really doesn't want a job they will show a why they don't, a week employee doesn’t notify member management, if they were in a coma it’s very understandable, but whoever that employee was that is stuck in some situation where they can’t explain why they were gone for a whole week, that employee will be fired but, this a very extreme circumstance.

Statement: Text

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